• Sustainable careers in regional Australia
• Real action against racism and sexism
• Pay that doesn’t go backwards
• Safe workloads
The work of the ABC in regional Australia is more vital than ever. With extremely long hours, work intensification, unattainable KPI’s and pay that averages $25,000 lower than in the cities, ABC staff can’t maintain careers in the regions.
Staff have also called for action on racism and sexism in the workplace at the ABC. A rigorous gender and racial pay gap audit will help our ABC to be a fair and safe workplace, and to effectively tell stories that reflect the diversity of the Australian public.
While executives enjoy big bonuses, staff have been offered pay at half the rate of inflation and junior staff might losing their overtime buyout pay with less than 2 weeks’ notice.
Workloads are out of control, and despite renewed Government funding, ABC management are refusing to review them and relieve the pressure.
Tell Management: ABC staff can’t cop any more cuts.
To: Ita Buttrose and David Anderson
Our ABC is a beloved and important national treasure.
The Australian public needs and deserves an ABC that provides independent, quality journalism and tells the stories of our communities. The ABC must support sustainable careers and provide a safe, fair workplace for all staff.
We, the Australian public, are calling on you to support your staff and agree to:
– Viable careers, including in regional Australia
– Real action against racism and sexism in the workplace
– Fair staff pay that doesn’t go backwards
– Safe workloadsDon’t discount our ABC.
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Our goal is an editorially-independent ABC that is fully-funded by the government and meets its charter as a comprehensive national broadcaster, that is resourced to tell Australian stories across multiple platforms, and positioned to take advantage of new technology to retain its position as the most trusted and reliable source of news and entertainment in Australia.
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For more than 80 years, the ABC has touched the lives of all Australians in one way or another.
Whether it is watching Play School as a child, debating Triple J’s Hottest 100 with friends, tuning into our favourite radio programs or keeping up-to-date with the latest news and current affairs, the ABC plays a pivotal role in informing and shaping our views about Australian life and contributing to our sense of nation identity.
Yet for too long the ABC has been taken for granted, receiving less and less funding from government while providing more services than ever before as new technology has evolved.
Today, the ABC delivers content across four television channels, online, to your mobile device or digital radio. The ABC keeps communities informed in a crisis, through our vital national emergency broadcast service. We take for granted that the ABC delivers its suite of services to us wherever we are, whenever we need it.
When the ABC is required to do so much more with less, it’s inevitable the cracks start to show.
We all love the ABC. We are proud of what the ABC represents in Australian lives. But the rate of technological progress has far outstripped the funding made available by successive federal governments. That means it’s getting progressively harder to maintain a strong ABC now and for the next generation of Australians.
The ABC’s “make-do” solutions to the chronic massive underfunding crisis are unsustainable.
We call on the current Australian government and other political parties to commit to the following 5 principles:
1. Restore ABC funding to a sustainable level over the next two ABC triennial funding agreements.
The ABC cannot continue to provide Australians with the level of innovative and comprehensive broadcasting services required under the ABC Charter without the significant restoration of the $254 million in funding and 400 jobs which have been stripped from the organisation.
2. Respect the editorial and programming independence of the ABC as enshrined in the ABC Act.
Governmental interference in the ABC undermines the integrity of its news coverage and it must always be independent of any political influence.
3. Keep the ABC 100% commercial-free.
The vast majority of Australians do not want commercial advertising disrupting their ABC programs and services or on ABC websites. Further the ABC’s position as our most trusted source of News relies on the ABC being free of commercial influence.
4. Curtail outsourcing and do not seek to privatise or commercialise any parts of the ABC.
Since its inception in 1932, the ABC has been one of Australia’s most loved public institutions. New technology and anticipated changes to media ownership mean that now more than ever, Australians are reliant on the ABC to tell their stories. The ABC must retain control of its functions including its internal production, if the ABC is to fulfil its Charter obligation and represent and reflect regional diversity.
5. Foster and retain a diverse, skilled workforce that can create and deliver exciting Australian content.
Increased casualisation and centralisation of ABC jobs in Sydney and Melbourne are deskilling and demoralising the ABC workforce. As a publicly-owned institution and model employer, the ABC has a responsibility to provide secure jobs, whole of industry training and model working conditions.
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